Centre de santé St. Claude Health Centre
T 204-379-2211 | F 204-379-2600
Visiting Hours
Southern Health-Santé Sud acknowledges the importance of families in the provision of care and comfort to patients. Families are welcome during times most suitable to the patient.
Click here for more information on electrocardiograms.
Click here for a listing of lab services in our region and hours of operation.
Telehealth is the use of technology to connect people to health care services at a distance. A secure, video link connects clients to health care providers at different locations in Manitoba. You are able to see, hear and talk to your care provider on a television screen and they will be able to see, hear and talk to you.
Therapeutic Recreation
Therapeutic Recreation, also known as recreational programming, is provided in all personal care homes and in some other sites as an integral part of the overall care provided. Therapeutic Recreation has been shown to improve heart health, decrease blood pressure, improve strength, flexibility and walking ability, increase alertness, reduce falls, improve verbal interactions and improve morale and life satisfaction. Recreational programming is available for both individuals and groups and is designed to meet one’s physical, emotional, cultural and social needs.